Fall Migration Begins – Some Early Migrants

Posted on by Melissa Penta

The weather has been beautiful all week in my area and I have been taking full advantage of it by setting up my office outside on my covered deck. This gives me a fantastic view of my backyard and feeders.

My set up from this past week. Complete with a Chickadee.

My set up from this past week. Complete with a Chickadee.

The biggest action have been the Hummingbirds. I currently only have one feeder, but this should change soon because the little fellas are constantly battling over it. I have at least two adult males, two females and one young male.

Young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird

I always hear them chattering back and forth and at other birds, but they are so fast that I hardly have any good photos to show for it.

A dual between Hummingbirds

A dual between Hummingbirds

My earliest migrants are the same as last year – the American Redstarts. I also had a Chestnut-sided and Yellow Warbler visit early on, along with many Red-eyed Vireos.

American Redstart

American Redstart

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler from last year

My biggest surprise migrant was a new bird for me – a Black-billed Cuckoo! After seeing nothing out of the ordinary during my usual walk along my creek and around through my woods, I noticed a “different” bird fly into the trees as I was nearing my yard. I put my binoculars up and had an initial thought of what it could be. I took a couple of [bad] photos to confirm that it was indeed a young Black-billed Cuckoo. Life bird!!

Yesterday, while photographing Hummingbirds, a couple of House Finches flew onto my nearest branches with a yellow bird. At first, I dismissed it for a Goldfinch but should have known better! I realized that it was a Warbler when it flew into my tree. Thankfully, I was able to see it again in the open – a Prairie Warbler! My first “visual” of one this year. Before this, I’ve only heard them in the spring.

Prairie Warbler

Prairie Warbler

In the previous years, I had some great visitors and I am hoping for the same good turn out – or maybe even some new yard birds?

Cape May Warbler

Cape May Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

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