An Ovenbird in my Garden

Posted on by Melissa Penta

I’ve had a very welcome visitor in my garden since late last week. It ended up being the very first subject shot with a new lens that I purchased on Saturday.


The first photo op I had with my new lens

The bird is an Ovenbird. It looks like a thrush, it acts like a thrush, but I promise you that it is not a thrush. The Ovenbird is a larger-sized Warbler that forages on the ground and has a familiar song that echos through the forest in the summer.

I first noticed this bird on Friday while I was watering my plants. It was near the area under my feeders along with some Mourning Doves and Chipping Sparrows. I did not try to get a photo of it on that day. The bird has been seen often every day after that. I even caught him bathing in my small pond.


Bathing Ovenbird shot through my front window

He searches for food all around my garden – he must be finding some good stuff!


Ovenbird foraging around my garden

When I saw him today, he only ran under one of my shrubs, only to come right back out and continue his search. This bird is gearing up for migration to Mexico and has very little fear of me.


This Ovenbird seems to like the perch over my pond

What a very nice visitor and cooperative subject!


“Thank you for breakfast, lunch and dinner!”

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